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Publications 2020-Present
Jacome, M., Costanzo-Alvarez, V., Jeffrey, M., Sfalsini, H., Aldana, M., Galatro, D., Lovell, B., Bazylak, J., and Amon C.H., Integrating Geoelectrical and Water Chemistry Studies to Explore Environmental Challenges with an Indigenous Community in Northern Canada, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, pp. 1-20, 2024.
Galatro, D., Di Nardo, A., Pai, V., Trigo-Ferre, R., Jeffrey, M., Jacome, M., Costanzo-Alvarez, V., Bazylak, J. and Amon, C.H., Considerations for using tree-based machine learning to assess causation between demographic and environmental risk factors and health outcomes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(51), pp.60927-60935, 2024
Nair, A.K., Da Silva, C.M. and Amon, C.H., Machine-learning-derived Thermal Conductivity of a Two-dimensional TiS2/MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructure, APL Machine Learning, 2(3), 2024.
Ebbs-Picken, T., Da Silva, C.M. and Amon, C.H., Hierarchical Modeling and Surrogate-model-based Design Optimization Framework for Cold Plates used in Battery Thermal Management Systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, 253, 2024.
Romero, D.A, Hasanpoor, S., Antonini, E. and Amon, C.H., Predicting Wind Farm Wake Losses with Deep Convolutional Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks, APL Machine Learning 2(1), 2024.
Ebbs-Picken, T., Romero, D.A., Da Silva, C.M. and Amon, C.H., Deep Encoder-decoder Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks for Conjugate Heat Transfer Surrogate Modeling, ArXiv:2311.17068, Applied Energy, 372, 2024.
Mirza, S., Amon, C.H. and Chandra, S., Thermal Response to Periodic Heating of a Heat Sink Incorporating a Phase Change Material, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 229, 2024.
Vanderlaan, R.D., Di Nardo, A. and Amon, C.H., A Multidisciplinary Approach to Patent-Specific Planning in Congenital Heart Disease, Editorial Comments, Journals of the American College of Cardiology JACC: Advances, 3(7), 2024.
Mostofinejad, A., Romero, D.A., Brinson, D., Marin-Araujo, A.E., Bazylak, A., Waddell, T.K., Karoubi, G., and Amon, C.H., In Silico Model Development and Optimization of In Vitro Lung Cell Population Growth, PLOS ONE, 19(5), 2024.
Tajeddini, F., Romero, D.A., Huang, Y.X., David, T.E., Ouzounian, M., Amon, C.H. and Chung, J. Type B Aortic Dissection in Marfan Patients after the David Procedure: Insights from Patient-Specific Simulations, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, JTCVS Open, 2024.
Galatro, D., Jacome, M., Jeffrey, M., Costanzo-Alvarez, V., Bazylak, J. and Amon, C.H., A Non-hierarchical Syncretic Framework to Assess Environmental Contaminants by Interdisciplinary Integration of Geoscience Methods and Culturally-Centred Indigenous Knowledge Exchange Approaches, Societal Impacts, 3, 2024.
Palumbo, J., Tayyara, O., Assadi, S.A., Da Silva, C.M., Trescases, O., Amon, C.H. and Chandra, S., Thermal Management of Non-Uniform Heat Fluxes in an Electric-Vehicle Fast-Charger: Experimental and Numerical Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2024
Khodadadi, A., Nair, A. K., Da Silva, C. M., & Amon, C. H. Bilayer and Trilayer C3N/Blue-Phosphorene Heterostructures as Potential Anode Materials for Potassium-Ion Batteries. ACS omega, 8(50), 47746-47757, 2023.
Ebbs-Picken, T., Romero, D. A., Da Silva, C. M., & Amon, C. H. Deep convolutional encoder-decoder hierarchical neural networks for conjugate heat transfer surrogate modeling. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.17068, 2023.
Nair, A. K., Da Silva, C. M., and Amon, C. H., Effect of concentration-driven magnetic phase changes on adsorption and diffusion in VSe2 monolayers: Implications for lithium-ion batteries. Applied Physics Letters, 123(18), 2023.
Ali, M. A., Da Silva, C. M., & Amon, C. H. (2023). Multiscale Modelling Methodologies of Lithium-Ion Battery Aging: A Review of Most Recent Developments. Batteries, 9(9), 434.
Palumbo, J., Tayyara, O., Amon, C.H., Chandra, S., Topologically Optimized Mini-channel Heat Sinks for Reduced Temperature Non-uniformity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 214, 124421, 2023.
Nair, A. K., Da Silva, C. M., and Amon, C. H., Enhanced Alkali-Ion Adsorption in Strongly Bonded Two-Dimensional TiS2/MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructures, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023.
Shahbazian, N., Doyle, M. G., Forbes, T. L., & Amon, C. H. A modeling framework for computational simulations of thoracic endovascular aortic repair. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 39(4), e3578, 2023.
Ebbs-Picken, T., Da Silva, C. M., and Amon, C. H., Design optimization methodologies applied to battery thermal management systems: A review, Journal of Energy Storage, 67, 107460, 2023.
Tajeddini, F., Romero, D. A., McClarty, D., Chung, J., and Amon, C. H., Workflow Comparison for Combined 4D MRI/CFD Patient-Specific Cardiovascular Flow Simulations of the Thoracic Aorta, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 145(6), 061106, 2023.
Shahbazian, N., Romero, D. A., Forbes, T. L., and Amon, C. H., Prediction of bird-beak configuration in TEVAR pre-operatively using patient-specific finite element simulations, JVS-Vascular Science, 100108, 2023.
Galatro, D., Trigo-Ferre, R., Nakashook-Zettler, A., Costanzo-Alvarez, V., Jeffrey, M., Jacome, M., Bazylak, J., and Amon, C. H., Framework for Evaluating Potential Causes of Health Risk Factors Using Average Treatment Effect and Uplift Modelling, Algorithms, 16(3), 166, 2023.
Nair, A. K., Da Silva, C. M., and Amon, C. H., Dopant-enhanced sodium and potassium-ion adsorption and diffusion in two-dimensional titanium disulfide, Journal of Applied Physics, 133(6), 2023.
Di Nardo, A., Louvelle, L., Romero, D. A., Doyle, M., Forbes, T. L., and Amon, C. H., A Comparison of Vessel Patch Materials in Tetralogy of Fallot Patients Using Virtual Surgery Techniques, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1-16, 2023.
Al-Zareer, M., Ebbs-Picken, T., Michalak, A., Escobar, C., Da Silva, C. M., Davis, T., Osio, I., and Amon, C. H., Heat generation rates and anisotropic thermophysical properties of cylindrical lithium-ion battery cells with different terminal mounting configurations. Applied Thermal Engineering, 119990, 2023.
Costanzo-Alvarez, V., Aldana, M., Trigo-Ferre, R., Jacome, M., Galatro, D., Izarra, C., Amon, C.H. Combining a geoelectrical survey with integrated groundwater quality data to map the spatial distribution and temporal variations of a leachate plume in a closed landfill (Southern Ontario, Canada), Environmental Earth Sciences 81, 498, 2022
Costanzo-Alvarez, V.; Mendoza, J.; Aldana, M.; Diaz, M.; Jacome, M.; Ramirez, K.; Amon, C.H., Comparing Direct Numerical Modeling Predictions With Field Evidence for Methane Vertical Microseepage in Two Geological Settings, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 940799, 2022
Shahbazian, N., Romero, D., Forbes, T.L., Amon, C.H., Identification of Geometric and Mechanical Factors Predictive of Bird-Beak Configuration in Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair Using Computational Models of Stent-graft Deployment, Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2022.
Tajeddini, F., Romero, D.A., McClarty, D., Chung, J. and Amon, C.H., Combining 4D MRI with CFD for Investigating Patient-specific Cardiovascular Flows: a Comprehensive Comparison of Ansys, Comsol, and SimVascular Illustrated with the Prediction of Thoracic Aortic Hemodynamics, ASME 2022 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2022-87596, 2022.
Mostofinejad, A., Marin-Araujo, A. E., Romero, D. A., Waddell, T. K., Karoubi, G., and Amon, C. H., In Silico Modeling Of BEAS-2B Cell Population Dynamics, TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, 28, 47-48, 2022.
Tayyara, O., Al-Zareer, M., da Silva, C., Fu. Y.M., Mastali, M., and Amon, C.H., Thermal Characterization Approach for in situ Estimation of Thermophysical Properties of Magnetic Components of Electric Vehicle Fast Chargers, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022.
Palumbo, J., Tayyara, O., Amon, C. H., and Chandra, S., Experimental Investigation of Topologically Optimized Mini-Channel Heat Sinks for Reduced Temperature Non-Uniformity, Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress, 2022
Escobar, C., Gong, Z., Da Silva, C., Trescases, O. and Amon, C.H., Effect of Cell-to-Cell Thermal Imbalance and Cooling Strategy on Electric Vehicle Battery Performance and Longevity, IEEE Intersociety Conf. on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, (ITherm), 2022.
Chan, J.K.D., Chadwick, E., Taniguchi, D., Ahmadipour, M., Suzuki, T., Romero, D., Amon, C., Waddell, T., Karoubi, G., Bazylak, A., Cell Inertia: Predicting Cell Distributions in Lung Vasculature to Optimize Re-endothelialization, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 681, 2022.
Galatro, D., da Silva, C., Romero, D., Gong, Z., Trescases, O., and Amon, C. H., Battery Health Diagnosis Approach Integrating Physics-based Modeling with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Energy Technology, 10(4), 2022.
Tayyara, O., Palumbo, J., Nasar, M., Khan, N., Da Silva, C., Chandra, S., Trescases, O., Amon, C., Miniature Liquid-cold Plate enabled by Metal Spraying: a Thermal Management Solution for a Modular 1kW Bi-directional GaN-based DC-AC Converter, 2022 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), Outstanding Paper Presentation Award, 312-318, 2022.
Galatro, D., Romero, D.A., Da Silva, C., Trescases, O., and Amon, C.H., Impact of Cell Spreading on Second Life of Lithium-ion Batteries, The Canadian J Chemical Engineering, CJCE-22-0065, 2022.
McClarty, D., Ouzounian, M., Tang, M., Eliathamby, D., Romero, D., Nguyen, E., Simmons, C. A., Amon, C.H., Chung, J.C. -Y., Ascending Aortic Aneurysm Hemodynamics are Associated with Aortic Wall Biomechanical Properties, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 61(2), 367-375, 2022.
A. K. Nair, C. M. Da Silva and C. H. Amon, Tuning the adsorption and diffusion capabilities of titanium disulfide monolayers by doping and strain engineeirng: Implications for lithium-ion batteries, Applied Surface Science, 600, 154164, 2022.
Shahbazian, N., Doyle, M.G., Forbes, T.L., and Amon, C.H., A Modeling Framework for Computational Simulations of Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair, Int J for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, e3578, 2022.
Olivier Trescases, Cristina Amon, Carlos Da Silva, Kshitij M. Gupta, “Heat Exchanger, Battery Module Assembly, And Methods of Manufacturing Thereof”, PRC Patent No. CN 113555626, October 26, 2021.
Al-Zareer, M., da Silva, C., Amon, C.H., Predicting Anisotropic Thermophysical Properties and Spatially Distributed Heat Generation Rates in Pouch Lithium-Ion Batteries, J Power Sources, 510, 230362, 2021.
Tayyara, C., Al-Zareer, M., Da Silva, C, Amon, C., Thermal Characterization Approach for In Situ Estimation of Thermophysical Properties of an Inductor-Transformer Assembly within an Off-board Electric Vehicle Faster Charge, InterPack 2021-77727, 2021 Nasser Grayeli Best Poster Award, 2021.
Dhoot, A., Antonini, E.G.A., Romero, D.A., and Amon, C.H., Optimizing Wind Farms Layouts for Maximum Energy Production using Probabilistic Inference: Benchmarking Reveals Superior Computational Efficiency and Scalability, Energy 223, EGY_120035, 2021.
Zaman, M.S., Michalak, A., Nasr, M., DaSilva, C., Mills, J.K., Amon, C.H., and Trescases, O., Multiphysics Optimization of Thermal-Management Designs for Power Electronics Employing Impingement Cooling and Stereolithographic Printing, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 0885-8993, 2021.
Chadwick, E.A., Suzuki, T., George, M.G., Romero, D.A., Amon, C., Waddell, T.K., Karoubi, G., and Bazylak, A., Vessel Network Extraction and Analysis of Mouse Pulmonary Vasculature via X-Ray Micro-computed Tomographic Imaging, PLOS Computational Biology, 17(4), e1008930, 2021.
Galatro, Daniela, Romero, David A., Freitez, Juan A., da Silva, Carlos, Trescases, Olivier, and Amon, Cristina H., Modeling Degradation of Lithium-Ion Batteries considering Cell-to-Cell Variation, J. Energy Storage, 2021.
Lee, H., Marin-Araujo, A.E., Aoki, F.G., Haykal, S., Waddell, T.K., Amon, C.H., and Karoubi, G., Computational Fluid Dynamics for Enhanced Tracheal Bioreactor Design and Long-Segment Graft Recellularization, Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-14, 2021.
Louvelle, L., Doyle, M., Van Arsdell, G., and Amon, C., The Effect of Geometric and Hemodynamic Parameters on Blood Flow Efficiency in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Patients, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1-14, 2021.
Al-Zareer, M., Michalak, A., da Silva, C., and Amon, C.H., Predicting Specific Heat Capacity and Directional Thermal Conductivities of Cylindrical Lithium-ion Batteries: A Combined Experimental and Simulation Framework, Applied Thermal Engineering, 182, 2021.
De la Rosa, R., Aldana, M., Costanzo-Alvarez, V., Yepez, S. and Amon, C.H., The Surface Expression of Hydrocarbon Seeps Characterized by Satellite Image Spectral Analysis and Rock Magnetic Data (Falcon Basin, Western Venezuela), Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 106, 103036, 2021.
Jacome, M., Costanzo-Alvarez, V., Aldana, M., Patraskovic, P., Drielsma, C., Galatro, D. and Amon C.H., A Methodology to Characterize a Sanitary Landfill combining, through a Numerical Approach, a Geoelectrical Survey with Methane Point-Source Concentrations, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 21, 101225, 2021.
Abbasi Bavil, Elyar, Doyle, Matthew, Debbaut, Charlotte, Wald, Rachel M., Mertens, Luc, Forbes, T.L., Amon, Cristina H., Calibration of an Electrical Analog Model of Liver Hemodynamics in Fontan Patients, ASME J. Biomedical Engineering, 143(3), 2021.
Al-Zareer, M., Michalak, A., da Silva, C., and Amon, C.H., Predicting specific heat capacity and directional thermal conductivities of cylindrical lithium-ion batteries: A combined experimental and simulation framework, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 182, 2020.
Abbasi E.B., Doyle, M.G., Debbaut, C., Wald, R.M., Mertens, L., Forbes, T.L., Amon, C.H., Calibration of an Electrical Analog Model of Liver Hemodynamics in Fontan Patients, ASME J. Biomechanical Engineering, 2020.
Jacome, M., Costanzo-Alvarez, V., Aldana, M., Patraskovic, P., Drielsma, C., Galatro, D. and Amon C.H, A methodology to characterize a sanitary landfill combining, through a numerical approach, a geoelectrical survey with methane point-source concentrations, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 2020.
De la Rosa, R., Aldana, M., Costanzo-Alvarez, V., Yepez, S. and Amon, C.H, The surface expression of hydrocarbon seeps characterized by satellite image spectral analysis and rock magnetic data, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2020.
Tayyara, O., da Silva, C., Nasr, M., Assadi, A., Gupta, K., Trescases, O., and Amon, C.H., Electro-thermal Co-design Methodology of an On-board Electric Vehicle Charger, ASME J. Electronic Packaging, Vol. 142 (4), 2020.
Galatro, Daniela, Al-Zareer, Maan, da Silva, Carlos, Romero, David A., Amon, Cristina H., Thermal Behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Aging, Heat Generation, Thermal Management and Failure, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. (14), 2020.
Antonini, E.G.A., Romero, D.A. and Amon, C.H., Optimal Design of Wind Farms in Complex Terrains using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Adjoint Methods, Applied Energy, Vol. 261, 114426, 2020.
Gong, Z., Gupta, K., da Silva, C., Amon, C. and Trescases, O., Automatic Voltage Distortion Compensation for Improved State Estimation Accuracy in Battery Management Systems with Continuous Cell Balancing, 2020 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), pp. 472-477, doi: 10.1109/ ITEC48692.2020. 9161594, 2020.
Lin, W.C.P., Doyle, M.G., Amon, C.H., Forbes, T.L., Patient-Specific Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Before and After Fenestrated Endovascular Aneurysm Repair, Journal of Vascular Surgery, Vol. 72, e263, 2020.
Abbasi Bavil, E., Yang, H.K., Yoo, S.J., Doyle, M.G., Kim, T.K., Karir, G., Bhagra, C., Bhagra, S., Oechslin, E., Ross, H., Roche, S.L., Gonzalez, R.A., Amon, C.H., Mertens, L. and W., Rachel, M., Cardiovascular and Abdominal Flow Alterations in Adults with Morphologic Evidence of Liver Disease Post Fontan Palliation, International Journal of Cardiology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2020.05.064, 2020.
Michalak, A., Zaman, M.S., Tayyara, O., Nasr, M., Mills, J.K., DaSilva, C., Trescases, O., and Amon, C.H., A Thermal Management Design Methodology for Advanced Power Electronics utilizing Genetic Optimization and Additive Manufacturing Techniques, IEEE Intersociety Conf. on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm), 2020.
Taheri, A., Da Silva, C. and Amon, C.H., 2020. Highly tunable thermal conductivity of C3N under tensile strain: A first-principles study. Journal of Applied Physics, 127(18), p.184304.
Lamoureux, C., Gong, Z., Nasr, M., Assadi, S.A., Gupta, K., Galatro, D., Tayyara, O., da Silva, C., Amon, C., and Trescases, O., Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Based Power-Mix Control Strategy for Improved Lifetime Performance in Second-Life Battery Systems, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), 3444-3451, 2020.
Stockle, J., Romero, D., Amon, C.H., Optimization of Porous Stents for Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1002/cnm.3336, 2020.
Galatro, D., da Silva, C., Romero, D.A., Trescases, O., Amon, C.H. Challenges in data‐based degradation models for lithium‐ion batteries. International Journal of Energy Research, 44: 3954– 3975, 2020.